About Us

This business is no longer operating. This web site will soon close down.

Thank you to everyone for their support over the years, from Sonia & Kerry

With over 60 years experience between us of working in the NHS and at least 50 years working as Practice Managers within General Practice, we were forever hearing from staff that although they had enjoyed their training session they really wanted training that focused on what was new / an annual update for each subject telling them what’s new and what’s changed. This proved to be a win-win for the employee and employer but also appeared to underpin the requirements of CQC so we developed our ‘7 updates in 1 day annual conferences.’

These have proven to be very popular and we now support:

If you would like any 7 Updates in your area we are very happy to organise bespoke events nearer to you – please contact Kerry on 07449163094 / kerryc4h@yahoo.co.uk  or Sonia on 07967326247 / soniac4h@yahoo.co.uk

From our feedback, evaluations and delegate numbers we feel we are achieving our goal:

‘Continuing our learning journey together’

As practising Practice Managers we believe we can hopefully continue to present content we believe is appropriate to our ever changing world within General Practice ….. try us out and give us your feedback

Kerry & Sonia
Conferences 4 Health

This web site was developed by Conferences4Health in collaboration with TeraFirma IT